Hey Ya'll

I love to cook. It is an expression of love for me. I hope you will enjoy the recipes I post. May the Lord bless and keep each of you!

Prov. 31:15 She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.

You can find me on Pinterest!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Fake Out Key Lime Icebox Cake




Hebrews 13:20-21


[20] Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, [21] equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

1 large lemon, juiced

2 large limes, juiced 

Need 3/4 c juice

1 T lime zest

8 oz spreadable cream cheese

1 14 oz can Eagle Brand condensed milk

8 oz thawed extra creamy cool whip

1 t vanilla flavoring

2 sleeves Graham crackers plus 

1/2 sheet for crushing for top

1 can of cream cheese frosting 

13x9 foil pan

Using a electric hand mixer, beat the cream cheese until smooth, add condensed milk, beat to incorporate.

Add juice a little at a time while beating.

Beat in vanilla flavoring.

Using a flat wooden spoon, fold in cool whip.

Slather a very thin layer of the pudding mix in bottom of 13x9 pan.

Cover with 6 sheets of grahams.

Divide the pudding mix into 3 equal portions.

Layer a third on graham.

Repeat for a total of 3 layers.

Remove frosting lid and foil. 

Heat frosting 30 seconds in microwave.

Spoon over the top of the cake.

Tap on counter. 

Sprinkle crushed grahams on top.

Sprinkle zest on top.

Wrap with plastic wrap and let set overnight.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Air Fryer Foil Pack Smoked Sausage and Creole Butter White Wine Potatoes



James 5:8

[8] You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

An ej original recipe!

2 large sheets of heavy duty foil for the boat to cook in

1 Hillshire Farms Smoked Sausage, cut in half then 2 inch pieces 

10 baby Yukon Gold potatoes, microwave 1-1/2 minutes each side, cut in half

1 sliced onion 

Creole Butter Sauce

1/2 stick of melted butter

Add 3 T Sauvignon Blanc and 

3 T creole seasoning*

Salt and pepper to taste

1/4 t onion powder

1/4 t garlic granules 

Place sausages in double layer of foil, add potatoes and cover with onion slices.

Mix butter and spices, drizzle over meat, onion and potatoes.


Cook air Fryer temp 425 degrees for 30-40 minutes until potatoes are knife soft.. 



Saturday, July 27, 2024

Air Fryer Reverse Sear Shaved Beef

Galatians 6:14

[14] But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

An ej original recipe!

6-7 inch piece Beef tenderloin (I buy a whole peeled extreme from Costco $80-$99 and cut out 2 tails, 12 -1/2 in steaks and stir fry beef)


2 t coarse kosher salt

1 t cracked black pepper

1/2 t onion powder

1/2 t garlic granules 

1/2 t light brown sugar

1/2 t yellow mustard seeds

Mix and set aside

Oil meat

Rub meat all over both sides with seasoning 

Set Air Fryer temp to 250 degrees

Add 1/4 c water to foil pan.

Place rack in pan.

I used my round IP rack.

Spray rack with non stick spray.

Add Tenderloin.

Using middle rack of air fryer to cook uncovered for 30 minutes or until meat reaches a internal temp of 130-140 degrees.

Wrap in foil.

Freeze 1 hour to insure easy thin shaving slices.

Use very sharp knife.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Ice Box Cake

Psalm 148:13

    [13] Let them praise the name of the LORD,

        for his name alone is exalted;

        his majesty is above earth and heaven.

2-3 Graham crackers sleeves 

13x9 foil pan

6 oz Raspberries, mashed

1/2 c seedless raspberry preserves stirred

1/2 c grated dark Chocolate 

4 c heavy whipping cream

1 T vanilla flavor 

3/4 c powdered sugar

Put bowl, cream, and beaters in freezer for 15 minutes 

Add powered sugar slowly while beating

Add vanilla 

Beat around 5 minutes until stiff peaks form.

Divide into half. 

Then divide a quarter from the half.

Using another bowl, gently fold 1/2 c preserves in 1/4 of the whipped cream.

In another bowl mix mashed raspberries and whip into in 1 c of the whipped cream. 


1/4 c Plain whipped cream 

Grahams( I used 6 crackers per layer)

Whipped cream with raspberries

Whipped cream with preserves 

Lightly sprinkle grated chocolate 

Ending with plain whipped cream

Sprinkling of chocolate 


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mixed Green Soup with Andouille Sausage

Psalm 146:1-2

Put Not Your Trust in Princes

    [1] Praise the LORD!

    Praise the LORD, O my soul! 

    [2] I will praise the LORD as long as I live;

        I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

An ej original recipe!

3 c fresh cooked greens mix, I used collards, turnip greens and spinach, seasoned with sugar, pepper sauce and Creole seasoning, cooked in chicken stock

2 c cooked, chopped and peeled baby Yukon potatoes 

1 can drained beans ( I used Garbanzo)

1 can Stewed tomatoes 

2 T Trader Joe Italian dried Soffritto

1/4 t onion powder

1/4 t garlic granules 

1 t creole seasoning 

1 T sugar 

2 T sliced Celery

1 c cooked and chopped Andouille Sausage 

1 c cooked and chopped Ham

1 c pasta ( I used rigatoni )

Salt and pepper to taste 

 I used the stock I had cooked the greens in and added water to make 3 quarts.

Just add everything and simmer.

Serve with cornbread.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Honey Cilantro Lime Tiger Shrimp with Baby Potatoes and Andouille




 Psalm 145:8-9

    [8] The LORD is gracious and merciful,

        slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. 

    [9] The LORD is good to all,

        and his mercy is over all that he has made.

An ej original recipe!



Prepare a large sheet pan with foil

Prepare a double layer foil boat to accommodate dressed shrimp and garlic butter





Make and refrigerate 


Fresh Tiger shrimp from Sam's club 

2 lb

Clean shrimp, remove tail 

Using 3 t of the dressing, add dressing and shrimp to zip lock and toss around to cover. 

Refrigerate for 30 minutes.


1 lb Tiny Yukon Potatoes 

Microwave 1-1/2 minutes each side 


Cut in half

Using 1/4 c of dressing above, add potatoes and dressing to zip lock and toss

Andouille ( love Kelley brand)

1-1/2 link of sausage cut into small bites

Set aside

Garlic butter

1/2 stick of butter melted and cooled

Add 3 T chopped fresh cilantro 

Add 3 T roasted garlic

Add dressed shrimp and toss 

Put in foil boat

Keep shrimp in a single layer


Lay dressed potatoes, sausage and 1/2 of a lime that has been quartered on foil lined pan

Push them around to sides of pan

Set sealed shrimp boat in the middle

Bake preheated 400 degree oven 30 minutes 

Ingredient list 


1/4 c lime juice

1/4 c Greek yogurt 

1 t sugar

1 T Honey 

1 small onion chopped

1/4 sour cream 

1/4 c chopped avocado

1/4 c Cilantro 

1 chipotle in adobo

1 t smoked cumin

1 t smoked paprika 

Splash of olive oil

Smoked salt

Cracked black pepper

Ingredient list

Tiger shrimp 

1/2 of a Lime

1 lb baby Yukon Potatoes 

1/2 pkg of Andouille 

1/2 stick Butter 

3 T Fresh Cilantro 

3 T Roasted garlic 



Curried Panang Beef



Psalm 145:18

    [18] The LORD is near to all who call on him,

        to all who call on him in truth.



An ej original recipe!

2 c Left over thin sliced beef cut into strips 

1 can Coconut milk (do not shake)

1 small sliced thin onion

1 T roasted garlic

1/2 of thin sliced Jalapeño for garnish

1 t olive oil

2 c chopped Cabbage 

1 pkg ramen (toss seasoning pack) prepare and set aside

1 t ( heaping) Panang  curry

1 T palm sugar

Add oil to skillet, sauté onion, garlic and cabbage 

Remove to a plate

Do not shake coconut milk

Open coconut milk

Scoop out thick cream and place in a large skillet 

Heat cream and add palm sugar

Add curry

Add veggies and meat

Add 1/2 of the watery part of coconut milk

Add ramen noodles

Simmer just until heated through and thickened

Garnish with fresh Jalapeño slices 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

3 Pepper Bourbon Beef

Psalm 139:1-7

Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.

    [1] O LORD, you have searched me and known me! 

    [2] You know when I sit down and when I rise up;

        you discern my thoughts from afar. 

    [3] You search out my path and my lying down

        and are acquainted with all my ways. 

    [4] Even before a word is on my tongue,

        behold, O LORD, you know it altogether. 

    [5] You hem me in, behind and before,

        and lay your hand upon me. 

    [6] Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;

        it is high; I cannot attain it.

    [7] Where shall I go from your Spirit?

        Or where shall I flee from your presence?

An ej original recipe!

2 c Left over beef or steak, sliced thin

1 small green bell pepper, sliced thin

1 small Jalapeño, diced 

1/4 c roasted red bell pepper, drain and seeded 

1 small onion, sliced thin

1 t olive oil

Stir fry veggies in  oil, add beef strips.

Add sauce. 

Serve over sticky rice.


2 c beef stock

1 T Bourbon 

1 T Worcestershire sauce

2 t sugar


Friday, July 12, 2024

Costco Ready To Cook Sauvignon Blanc Salmon

Psalm 136:26

    [26] Give thanks to the God of heaven,

        for his steadfast love endures forever.

An ej original recipe!

Salmon from the ready to cook section at Costco

It has butter and herbs, you will use these ingredients too.

Mix together these following ingredients 

1/4 c Sauvignon Blanc

1 T Cajun seasoning 

1/4 t sugar 

Salt and pepper 

Set aside

1/2 of a lemon cut in wedges

Cover sheet pan with foil.

Lay salmon pieces on foil.

Spoon wine mixture over pieces. 

Chop butter and distribute over salmon. 

Cover with the herbs.

Lay the lemon quarters around. 

Seal foil.

Bake 425 preheated oven for 13 minutes.

Serve with sticky white rice and cucumber salad. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Creole White Beans























Luke 9:49-50

Anyone Not Against Us Is For Us

[49] John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” [50] But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you.”

1 pint of home canned white beans( I used Great Northern) 

1 t Bacon grease

1/2 c chopped onion

1/4 c chopped green bell pepper 

1 /4 c chopped celery

1 T roasted Garlic 

1t bay leaf powder

2 chopped green onions

1 T Creole seasoning *

Salt and pepper to taste

Sauté these ingredients in bacon grease.

Add meats. 

Add 1-/2 c water






1 c chopped cooked smoked sausage 

2 c chopped ham ( I used ham I keep in freezer)

Serve with a green onion, cornbread, white sticky rice and fried chicken!