Hey Ya'll

I love to cook. It is an expression of love for me. I hope you will enjoy the recipes I post. May the Lord bless and keep each of you!

Prov. 31:15 She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.

You can find me on Pinterest!!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Pepperoni Jalapeno Muffins

Psalm 129:1-2

    [1] Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD! 

    [2]     O Lord, hear my voice!

    Let your ears be attentive

        to the voice of my pleas for mercy!



An ej original recipe!

Spray Muffin pan, makes 12 Muffins 

Bake time 40-45 minutes, until lightly browned and centers are set.

Bake temp preheated 350 degrees

Egg Mixture 

3 whole eggs

1/2 c plus 3 T liquid egg whites

3 T half and half

Salt and pepper to taste

Whisk together, set aside.

Meat Filling

1 c chopped pepperoni( Boars Head Deli cut)

1 jalapeño, diced 

1/2 c marinated roasted red peppers, chopped 

1/2 of a onion, chopped

1 T roasted garlic, mashed

1/2 t olive oil

Sauté 5 minutes



Sliced Sandwich cheese broke into large pieces to lay on top (I used white American)

Fill each greased cup 1/2 the way from top with egg mixture.

Spoon 1 heaping T of meat filling into egg mixture, cover with cheese pieces.

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