Hey Ya'll

I love to cook. It is an expression of love for me. I hope you will enjoy the recipes I post. May the Lord bless and keep each of you!

Prov. 31:15 She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.

You can find me on Pinterest!!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

DIY Small Batch Creole Seasoning

Psalm 135:15-18

    [15] The idols of the nations are silver and gold,

        the work of human hands. 

    [16] They have mouths, but do not speak;

        they have eyes, but do not see; 

    [17] they have ears, but do not hear,

        nor is there any breath in their mouths. 

    [18] Those who make them become like them,

        so do all who trust in them.

This stuff is so good in white beans!!!

2-1/2 T smoked paprika 

1-1/2 T fine kosher salt

1 T garlic granules 

1 T onion powder 

1 T Mexican oregano 

1 T  sweet basil

1 T thyme

1/2 T black pepper 

1/2 T white pepper 

1/2 T cayenne 

Whisk! Store!

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