Hey Ya'll

I love to cook. It is an expression of love for me. I hope you will enjoy the recipes I post. May the Lord bless and keep each of you!

Prov. 31:15 She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.

You can find me on Pinterest!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Roasted Red Pepper Rice Pilaf

Psalm 109:26-27

    [26] Help me, O LORD my God!

        Save me according to your steadfast love! 

    [27] Let them know that this is your hand;

        you, O LORD, have done it!

1 c Jasmine rice (rinse until water is clear, 4 or 5 times, drain and set aside 

In a thick bottom pan melt 

2 T butter


1/2 c diced onion

1 T roasted garlic

1/4 c chopped roasted red bell peppers 

Cook 2 minutes 

Add drained rice

1 T chopped parsley 

Stir fry rice 5 minutes continually moving rice 


2 c chicken stock

Cover, set to simmer and cook 15 minutes stirring once

Serve with salmon and steamed broccoli 

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