Monday, March 4, 2024

Peruvian Green Sauce



Psalm 49:7-9

    [7] Truly no man can ransom another,

        or give to God the price of his life, 

    [8] for the ransom of their life is costly

        and can never suffice, 

    [9] that he should live on forever

        and never see the pit.

Stir fry 1/4 c chopped onion and 3 T roasted mashed garlic in 1 t olive oil.


To a blender add:

Cooled onion/garlic mix 

1/2 c Mayo 

2 T vinegar

4 t yellow mustard

3/4 t salt

1/2 t black pepper

1 T Honey

1 seeded and chopped JalapeƱo 

1 bunch cleaned chopped cilantro 

Pulse to incorporate.

Drizzle over chicken etc!

Store in fridge. 

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