Monday, March 4, 2024

Peruvian Pan Roasted Chicken Marinade

Matthew 16:26

[26] For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

Whole Chicken or just parts

( I used legs)

2 T Fresh Rosemary chopped or 2 t dried

2 T Fresh Oregano chopped or 2 t dried

3 T roasted Garlic

1/4 t toasted cumin

1/8 c white vinegar

1/4 c Soy sauce

1 T Hoisin 

1 t honey

1 lime juiced

1/2 of a light beer

Blend in blender

24 hr Marinade in bag in fridge

Bake preheated 400 degree oven, un-covered.

Cook 25 minutes and flip.

Cook on rack in a 13x9 foil pan in oven with marinade drizzled over and olive oil drizzled over.

Internal temp should reach at least 165 degrees.

Let Chicken rest for 10 minutes.


Make a cilantro  sauce for serving.

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