Saturday, August 19, 2023

Roasted Poblano Creamed Corn

Proverbs 14:12


    There is a way that seems right to a man,

        but its end is the way to death.

An ej original recipe!

6 ears of sweet corn, shaved 


1/4 c chopped roasted Poblano 

1/4 c roasted small onion

1 T Butter

1 T Roasted Garlic

1/2 t Sugar

1/2 t Cumin

1/4 c water

1/2 t crushed peppercorns 

Salt to taste

1/2 of a lime, juiced

Sauté poblano and onion in butter.

After pepper and onion are tender, 

add rest of sauce ingredients.

Add corn, cook water out, corn should be tender and corn is ready to eat.

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