Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Greek and Steak Seasoned Beef Sliders with Persillade and Cucumber Sauce

Hebrews 13:6

[6] So we can confidently say, 

    “The Lord is my helper;

        I will not fear;

    what can man do to me?”

An ej original recipe!

Pinch Greek seasoning 

Pinch Steak seasoning 

8 ground beef Sliders 

Place a pinch of seasoning on each side.

Fry in clarified butter.

Top with Havarti 

Place slider bun on top.


Grilled onion slices 

Tomato slices

Cucumber sauce *

Persillade *

Make sauces ahead to bloom!

Cucumber sauce

1/2 of a English cucumber, diced

1/4 c diced onion

Salt and pepper

1/2 lime, juiced

1 T Roasted garlic

1/4 c Mayo

1 c full fat Yogurt

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