Sunday, January 29, 2023

Oscar Style Shrimp Filet Mignon

1 John 2:2

[2] He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.

2 Filet, seasoned and cooked to your desired taste

Lighter Hollandaise

1/4 c Mayo 

2 T Heavy cream or half and half

1 t fresh Lemon juice

1/8 t Pepper flakes 

1/2 t Dry mustard 

Smoked salt, to taste

Cracked black pepper, to taste

1 t white wine

Whisk together.

Set aside.

10 Shrimp, cleaned and chopped 

Steak seasoning of your choice

Olive oil or clarified butter

To assemble, place cooked Filet on bottom, then add shrimp and drizzle with Hollandaise

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