Sunday, July 7, 2024

Pepperoni Jalapeno Muffins

Psalm 129:1-2

    [1] Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD! 

    [2]     O Lord, hear my voice!

    Let your ears be attentive

        to the voice of my pleas for mercy!



An ej original recipe!

Spray Muffin pan, makes 12 Muffins 

Bake time 40-45 minutes, until lightly browned and centers are set.

Bake temp preheated 350 degrees

Egg Mixture 

3 whole eggs

1/2 c plus 3 T liquid egg whites

3 T half and half

Salt and pepper to taste

Whisk together, set aside.

Meat Filling

1 c chopped pepperoni( Boars Head Deli cut)

1 jalapeño, diced 

1/2 c marinated roasted red peppers, chopped 

1/2 of a onion, chopped

1 T roasted garlic, mashed

1/2 t olive oil

Sauté 5 minutes



Sliced Sandwich cheese broke into large pieces to lay on top (I used white American)

Fill each greased cup 1/2 the way from top with egg mixture.

Spoon 1 heaping T of meat filling into egg mixture, cover with cheese pieces.

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