Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Crispy Fried Corn Tortillas Shrimp Taco for Two

Psalm 135:5-7

    [5] For I know that the LORD is great,

        and that our Lord is above all gods. 

    [6] Whatever the LORD pleases, he does,

        in heaven and on earth,

        in the seas and all deeps. 

    [7] He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth,

        who makes lightnings for the rain

        and brings forth the wind from his storehouses.

An ej original recipe!

4 Taco size corn tortillas (microwave 10 seconds)

Spread Cream cheese

5 jumbo prawns ( I used leftover ones from a shrimp boil cake) chopped 

1/2 Onions, sliced

 1Jalapeño seeded and sliced

1 t Olive Oil

2 T Bourbon

1/4 c Quesadilla cheese

1 t Toasted cumin

1 T Salsa

Sauté onions and peppers in oil. 

When softened add chopped shrimp.

Add rest of ingredients and turn off heat.

Stir to melt cheese.

Set aside to cool.

Heat peanut oil in a 6-8 inch skillet.

Spread cream cheese on tortillas.

Fill softened corn tortillas down the middle with cooled shrimp 

Flip one side over to seal.

Fry on one side until crispy and flip.

Drain on paper towels.

Serve with a slice of lime.


Shredded cabbage

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