Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Knock Off Longhorn Marinated Salmon



Psalm 108:3-4

    [3] I will give thanks to you, O LORD, among the peoples;

        I will sing praises to you among the nations. 

    [4] For your steadfast love is great above the heavens;

        your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

4-7 oz skin salmon Filets ( I had a total of 7 pieces, so I doubled the marinade recipe, divided it between 2 gallon zip lock bags and reserved 1/4 c 

4 Hour Marinade(double for more salmon pieces)

3 T Bourbon

3 T brown sugar

2 T olive oil

3 T low sodium Soy sauce

1 T Ginger, diced

3 T mashed roasted garlic

1/2 of a small lime juiced

1/4 t coarse black pepper 

1/8 c diced sweet onion

Put in blender and pulse to incorporate 

Add salmon to bags, marinate for 4 hrs ( don't go longer your fish will dry our because of the lime juice)

Turn pieces occasionally 

Grill, pan fry or bake 

Grease pan, grill or parchment for your preferred method of cooking

Internal temp should be 145 degrees

Cook 13-15 minutes 

Do not overcook

Before cooking, drizzle a little reserved marinade over pieces 

Serve with seasoned steamed broccoli and roasted red pepper rice pilaf

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