Sunday, October 15, 2023

Mexican Pork Stew with Roasted Poblano, Potatoes, and Carrots

1 Peter [24] 



    “All flesh is like grass

        and all its glory like the flower of grass.

    The grass withers,

        and the flower falls, 

    [25] but the word of the Lord remains forever.”

    And this word is the good news that was preached to you. 

An ej original recipe!

1 lb Stew meat 1/2 inch cut from shoulder, squeeze of fresh lime juice, toss in meat toss, set aside for 15 minutes 

Brown in Dutch oven in 2 T olive oil

1 qt chicken bone broth 

2 T masa, dissolved in warm broth and added the last 15 minutes 

Meat toss for pork

2 T Smoked garlic seasoning

1 t Mexican Oregano 

1/2 t Salt 

1/2 t Toasted cumin

2 T sugar

Mix together

1/2 of juice from fresh lime


1 Fire Roasted Poblano, diced 

1 Fire Roasted onion, chopped 

2 c sliced potato

2 c sliced carrots

Fresh cilantro and lime juice for finishing 

Serve over sticky rice with taco chips on the side

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