Friday, June 23, 2023

Salsa Verde Mexican Layered Dip




Psalm 120:1-2

Deliver Me, O LORD

A Song of Ascents.

    [1] In my distress I called to the LORD,

        and he answered me. 

    [2] Deliver me, O LORD,

        from lying lips,

        from a deceitful tongue.

An ej original recipe!

Use a Pie plate to make this recipe!

Layer 1

1 can of Fritos bean dip, regular or spicy, mix 1/2 t toasted cumin into dip

Layer 2 

1 c full fat sour cream mixed with 1 t Taco seasoning  

Layer 3 

Avocado creama

1 avocado chopped 

1/2 t Mayo

1 t sour cream

1/2 lime squeezed

1/4 t toasted cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

Mash with fork 

Layer 4

1 c each of shredded white American and Gouda

Layer 5

1/2 c Salsa Verde 


Seeded and seasoned tomatoes, chopped 

Scallions, chopped

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