Monday, May 22, 2023

Telera Rolls (Torta)

I made Cuban sandwiches with these rolls and they were fantastic!!

Psalm 115:1-3

To Your Name Give Glory

    [1] Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory,

        for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!

    [2] Why should the nations say,

        “Where is their God?” 

    [3] Our God is in the heavens;

        he does all that he pleases.

3-3/4 c AP flour (Aerate flour to fluff)  

2 T yeast (3 packets active dry)

1-1/4 c warm water

1/4 c olive oil

5 T sugar

1 beaten egg

1-1/2 t kosher salt

Add 2 T of yeast to 1.25 cups of warm water. Whisk 5 T of sugar and 1/4 c olive oil.  Let sit for 5-10 minutes.

Add 3.75 cups flour, 1-1/2 t salt, and 1 egg. Mix with a spatula and then place onto a parchment sheet on counter.  Knead with your hands until you have a smooth ball of dough. Add additional flour if it's sticking to your hands.

Using spatula cut into eight equal parts for large torta rolls. Roll into balls.  

You can get 8 large rolls or 12 medium rolls.

Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 10-30 minutes.

Bake preheated oven middle rack for 8-15 minutes at 425F.


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