Monday, January 2, 2023

Left Over Potato Hash Tortilla Breakfast Bake

Genesis 2:24

[24] Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

An ej original recipe!

Bake 350 degree preheated oven, covered with foil, remove foil and toast top

Left over breakfast fried potatoes and meat*

2 mini orange peppers, slice thin

3 T spreadable cream cheese

4 small flour tortillas

Cooked Egg whites seasoned with salt and pepper 

3 T Persillade*

1/4 c Queso Fresco cheese, crumbled 

1/4 c Quesadilla cheese, shredded  

Add sliced peppers to meat potato mixture.

Fry left over potatoes and meat to heat through.

Stir in cream cheese till it melts.

Using a deep dish pie plate, cover bottom of plate with 2 tortilla.

Add meat potato mixture.

Soft fry seasoned egg whites, using fork, stir in Persillade.

Add the Queso Fresco cheese.

Add the 2 other tortilla.

Cover with Quesadilla cheese.

Seal with foil.

Bake 30 minutes.

Remove foil and toast top.

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