Friday, October 14, 2022

Creamy Dried Big White Butter Beans

Psalm 139:13-16

    [13] For you formed my inward parts;

        you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. 

    [14] I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

    Wonderful are your works;

        my soul knows it very well. 

    [15] My frame was not hidden from you,

    when I was being made in secret,

        intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 

    [16] Your eyes saw my unformed substance;

    in your book were written, every one of them,

        the days that were formed for me,

        when as yet there was none of them.

An ej original recipe!

1 small bag of large white butter beans

Pick over for debris.

Put in large pot, cover with water at least 1 inch over beans, bring to boil, boil 5 minutes.

Turn off making sure beans are still completely covered with water.

If necessary add water.

Soak, covered for 20 minutes.

Drain water and cover with fresh water.

Chop 1 small Onion in beans.

Add 1/2 c diced ham.

Add 2 T white vinegar and 1 T bacon grease.

In a bowl add 2 T chicken base seasoning, 1 t garlic granules, 1 t Cajun seasoning, 2 T sugar and 1/8 c water. 

Mix and dump in beans, stir.

On medium heat bring to a low rolling boil. 

Cook 50 minutes.

Almost cook out all of the water.

Stir often, you will have to add water but just even with beans.

Lower heat but keep beans slightly boiling.

Cook another 20-30 minutes until beans are soft and juice is thick.

Serve with cornbread.

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