Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Sesame Chicken and Cabbage Stir Fry

Isaiah 1:16-18

    [16] Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean;

        remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes;

    cease to do evil, 

    [17]     learn to do good;

    seek justice,

        correct oppression;

    bring justice to the fatherless,

        plead the widow’s cause.

    [18] “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD:

    though your sins are like scarlet,

        they shall be as white as snow;

    though they are red like crimson,

        they shall become like wool.

Chopped into small pieces 1 Chicken breast


1/8 c Mirin

2 T Sweet Chili Thai sauce

1 T Hoisin 

1 t Toasted Sesame oil

2 T Light Soy sauce

Place marinade and chicken in ziplock and marinate overnight.


2 c thick slice Cabbage 

1 Onion, sliced medium thin

Salt and pepper

Pinch red pepper flakes

1 t Oil for stir frying veggies



1/8 c Toasted sesame seeds for finishing 

Heat oil on medium high.

Stir fry until veggies are tender over high heat stirring constantly.

Remove to plate.

Add another 1 T of oil to same skillet.

Heat to medium high.

Pat chicken with paper towels a little.

Add chicken to hot skillet, flip constantly, cooks quickly.

Add veggies back in just to heat through.

Salt and pepper dish and add sesame seeds. 

Serve over sticky rice.

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