Thursday, May 10, 2018

Chunky Maple Cinnamon Granola

29 When you hide your face, they are dismayed; when you take away their breath, they die and return to their dust. 
30 When you send forth your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground. 
31 May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD rejoice in his works,  - Psalm 104:29-31

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Line pan with parchment.
Bake, bottom rack, at 15 minute intervals, turn pan.
I use a gas oven and mine was done in 30-40 minutes. 
Should be light browned.
Cool to yummy crunchy goodness!!

Heat these wet ingredients.
1/8 c Honey
1/8 c maple syrup 
1/2 c brown sugar 
a drizzle of molasses
1/4 c water
1 t vanilla extract
1 t maple extract
1/4 t fine sea salt
Set aside to cool.

Whisk in with a fork these ingredients.
1/3 c olive oil
1 beaten egg white
Add to nut-oat mix.

Toss these dry ingredients together and set aside.
3 c old fashioned oats
1 c almonds, I used sliced
1 c pecans, chopped
1 c coconut 
1 t cinnamon 
3 T flour
After mixed well, add wet ingredients.
Pat down and bake.

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