Thursday, April 12, 2018

Rotisserie Chicken Alfredo Tetrazzini

And he did not permit him but said to him, "Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." - Mark 5:19

1 Leek, chopped
1 T roasted Garlic, mashed
1 t Clarified butter
1/4 c Sauvignon Blanc
1 c Water with 1 T cornstarch 
1/4 c Heavy Cream 
1 c ricotta
1 t Chicken base seasoning 
1/4 c Italian cheese blend, Trader Joe's Parmesan, Romano and Asiago 
2 c Rotisserie chicken, shredded
Cracked black pepper to taste
Fresh herb mix, rosemary, oregano and thyme
Cooked thin spaghetti, 2 c cooked al dente 

Sauté leeks and garlic in clarified butter for 1 minute.
When leeks are tender add wine, seasonings, cheese, cream, ricotta and water.
Stir to incorporate, reduce until thickened, keep stirring, add chicken and pasta.
Remove from heat.
Let sit a few minutes and add fresh herbs.

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