Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Shrimp and Broccolini Enchiladas

Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.  - Psalm 119:37

An ej original recipe!!

15 medium Shrimp, cleaned tail removed
1 c Broccolini, I used frozen from Whole Foods
1/2 of a Lime, juiced
1 Shallot, died
1 T Clarified Butter
1/4 Sauvignon Blanc
1/4 Manchego cheese
1 t flour to thicken sauce
1/4 c enchiladas sauce 
1 t sugar
6 Tortillas 
Smoked salt and black cracked pepper to taste
Enchiladas sauce, recipe this blog under the Mexican or sauces tab

1/2 c Manchego cheese
1/2 c Mozzarella cheese

Squeeze lime juice over shrimp.
Sauté shallots, Broccolini and shrimp in clarified butter for 4 minutes, stirring to insure even cooking.
Remove from heat.
To the pan juice, add wine, sugar, flour, enchiladas sauce, cheese and salt and pepper.
Whisk until thickened.
Turn off heat.
Add shrimp and Broccolini and toss in sauce.
In a pan, pour a small amount of enchiladas sauce in the bottom to keep tortillas from sticking.
Fill tortillas and place seam side down.
Cover with enchiladas sauce and the cheese topping.
Cover with foil and bake 30 minutes in preheated 375 degree oven.
These were delicious!!!

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