Saturday, November 11, 2017

Boursin Cream Shrimp And Rice

But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"-he said to the paralytic- - Mark 2:10

1 Leek, sliced
1 T clarified butter
3 T Shallot chive Boursin 
1/8 c White wine
1/8 c cream
Salt and pepper
1/2 t tarragon 
10 Shrimp, tail removed, peeled, cut in half
1 bag frozen Rice, microwaved and set aside
1/4 c Parmesan 

Sauté leeks in butter.
Add wine, Boursin and cream, sauté to make sauce. As sauce thickens add shrimp and seasonings. Don't over cook. Add Parmesan. Serve over rice.

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