Friday, October 27, 2017

Steak Gravy Poutine

For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.  - Job 19:25

1 c Left over steak Steak, I used filet, I keep it in the freezer
1 c chopped small Cheese curds, Sprouts carry these 
4 c cooked French fries, I used Ore Ida fast food fries, season with garlic and season salt
Scratch Gravy 

Scratch Poutine Gravy

2 T Butter
2 T leeks, could use Onion or shallot
1 t Garlic
1/2 c steak, chopped
1 t chicken base seasoning
2 T flour
1& 1/2 c water
Splash of Worcestershire sauce
Splash of vinegar
Splash of ketchup 
Cracked black pepper
1 t red wine

Melt butter, sauté leeks, steak and garlic.
When leeks are done add flour, stir, then add water, wine, ketchup, Worcestershire, vinegar and seasonings. Whisk until thickened, simmer until reduced, set aside.

Fry the potatoes and drain.
To assemble, place fries on bottom, then sprinkle curds around on hot fries and drizzle gravy all over.
This is a Canadian dish and it's very rich and delicious!!!

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