Saturday, September 7, 2024

Bourbon Vanilla Raisin Rice Pudding

Proverbs 22:2


    The rich and the poor meet together;

        the LORD is the Maker of them all.

1-1/2 c cooked sticky leftover rice

1 c whole milk

Pinch of salt

Put in pan over low medium heat and boil 10 minutes stirring constantly just till thickened.

Stir in sugar mixture into pudding mixture 

1/4 c sugar

1 T butter

1/4 c raisins

1 t Bourbon 

1 t vanilla 

Sprinkle vanilla and Bourbon over raisins to soak for 10 minutes 

1 beaten egg

1/2 c evaporated milk

Pinch of nutmeg

1/4 t cinnamon 

Whisk together, set aside

Stir in pudding mixture after 10 minutes cook time

Next add raisin mixture 

Cook on low till thickened

Serve warm

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