Monday, September 16, 2024

Andouille Lima Peppers and Corn Succotash

Isaiah 42:1

The LORD’s Chosen Servant

    [1] Behold my servant, whom I uphold,

        my chosen, in whom my soul delights;

    I have put my Spirit upon him;

        he will bring forth justice to the nations.

3 ears shaved off cob Corn 

1 c left over cooked Green Lima beans

1/2 c chopped Onion

1/4 c Red Bell pepper

1/4 c diced Andouille 

1 t clarified butter

1 t Chicken base seasoning

1/2 t Old Bay

Salt and pepper to taste

1/4 c Water

Sauté onion, peppers and garlic in butter

Add sausage, veggies, seasonings, half and half, water

Cook until liquid reduces

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