Saturday, May 25, 2024

Money Saving Tip




Psalm 118:5-6

    [5] Out of my distress I called on the LORD;

        the LORD answered me and set me free. 

    [6] The LORD is on my side; I will not fear.

        What can man do to me?

Tenderloin Beef 

Buy an $97.00 extreme peeled Choice beef tenderloin from Costco 

Trim into your desired cuts

I got 6 Filets 

1 pile of scraps pieces sliced thin for fajitas 

2 tenderloin tails for thin sliced deli style roast beef

It took about 15 minutes

I saved a lot of money


Bought 1-1/4 lb tenderloin tail from a butcher and it was $ 50.00 with tax

The other cuts were a bonus😂

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