Sunday, May 19, 2024

Brazilian Cheese Bread


Psalm 111:10

    [10] The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;

        all those who practice it have a good understanding.

        His praise endures forever!

This was good but I'm going to try another recipe!

400 degree preheated oven, middle rack, for 15-20 minutes just until tops are lightly browned 

1 room temp egg

1/4 c olive oil

2/3 c whole milk

1-1/2 c Tapioca flour, aerate 

1/2 c mozzarella 

1/2 c Parmesan 

3/4 t salt

Spray a 12 roll pan with non stick 

Add all ingredients to blender, pulse to incorporate 

Scrape down sides

Pour cups 1/2 full




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