Thursday, January 25, 2024

Pepperoni Garbanzo Salad



Psalm 22:27-28

    [27] All the ends of the earth shall remember

        and turn to the LORD,

    and all the families of the nations

        shall worship before you. 

    [28] For kingship belongs to the LORD,

        and he rules over the nations.

1 can Garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

Set aside

6 Campari tomatoes or 1 pint of Cherry tomatoes, cut 

English cucumber, chopped 

1/2  of a red or sweet onion, thin sliced

1/2 c Castelvetrano Olives, cut in half 

Put into a large bowl.

Toss in dressing.

Stir in cheese.

Stir in Pepperoni.

Let flavors meld for 30 minutes! 

10 pieces of Boars Head deli Pepperoni, microwave until crisp, slice into strips

1/2 c finely rasped Parmesan 


Juice of 1 lemon

3 T olive oil

1/2 t of pink salt

1/2 t coarse black pepper

2 T roasted and mashed garlic

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