Thursday, January 4, 2024

Orzo Salad with Roasted Garlic Lemon Dressing

Genesis 6:5

[5] The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

1 c orzo, cooked al dente, according to box directions, drained and  

set aside

Lemon dressing

Salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

1/4 c olive oil

1 t Dijon 

1 t honey 

3 T roasted and mashed garlic

1 t lemon zest

2 T fresh lemon juice 

1 English cucumber, peeled leaving dark green and then diced

1 tomato, diced

1/2 c diced onion

3 T herbs, cilantro, basil, oregano, dill 

1/2 c Castelvetrano olives, halved

1 /2 c Roasted Red Bell peppers


1 c Parmesan 

Toasted bread crumbs

I served this with chicken nuggets and it was delicious!

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