Saturday, November 18, 2023

Air Fryer Yellow Squash Casserole




Job 16:18-19

    [18] “O earth, cover not my blood,

        and let my cry find no resting place. 

    [19] Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven,

        and he who testifies for me is on high.

An ej original recipe! 


1 deep dish pie plate

Spray with non stick

3-4 medium yellow squash (I used 3) quartered

1 medium onion

1 t Chicken base seasoning 

1/4 t garlic granules 

1/4 t onion powder

1/4 t Cajun seasoning

Steam in microwave for 7 minutes.

Drain juice off.


1 T (heaping) spreadable cream cheese

1/4 c white cheddar 

1/8 c Gruyere cheese


Transfer to deep dish pie plate.

Top with:

1/8 c panko

1/4 c canned crushed onion rings   

1/4 mozzarella 

1/8 c Gruyere

Preheat air Fryer to 350 degrees.

Cook 16 minutes or until bubbling and browned.

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