Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Mexican Chicken with Cheese Sauce over Rice


Jeremiah 5:28-29

        [28]     they have grown fat and sleek.

    They know no bounds in deeds of evil;

        they judge not with justice

    the cause of the fatherless, to make it prosper,

        and they do not defend the rights of the needy. 

    [29] Shall I not punish them for these things?

    declares the LORD,

        and shall I not avenge myself

        on a nation such as this?”

An ej original recipe!

1 Chopped chicken breast, 1/2 inch size

Seasoned with

1/2 t Wood Fired garlic

1/4 t Salt and pepper

1/4 t Toasted cumin 

Mix together and toss chicken 

Hit with a squeeze of lime

Set aside for 20 minutes

Fry in 1 T of oil, until chicken is done, cooks pretty quickly because it's chopped

Do not overcook 

Batch of buttered long grain rice

Cheese sauce

1/4 c Velveeta 

1/8 c Half and half 

1/8 c Hoop cheese

1/8 c Quesadilla cheese

Melt until thickened

Set aside


Squeeze of lime

Chopped Green onion

Dollop of Sour cream


Place rice on bottom, top with chicken then cheese sauce, green onions and cilantro 

Serve with tossed salad

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