Sunday, October 22, 2023

Leek and Jalapeño Au Jus French Dip Beef Croissant

1 Peter 3:18

[18] For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,

1 pgk crescent rolls (8 rolls)

1 Filet of beef (left over, thin sliced)

Sliced Cheese cut into long strips ( I used Emmental)

Open up crescent.

Place beef and cheese on wide part of crescent.

Place parchment on large jelly roll pan.

Roll, place seam down.

Bake preheated 375 degree oven for 13-15 minutes.

Dip in Au Jus.

Yum Yum!!

Au Jus for dipping

1/2 of a Jalapeño or a whole, diced 

1/8 c sliced leeks

1 T butter

1 T Worcestershire sauce

1/4 t Garlic granules 

1/4 t Onion powder 

2 t  flour

Salt and pepper, to taste

6 oz beef stock

Melt butter in small pot.

Add pepper and Leeks.

Sauté till tender, add spices and flour.

Sauté till flour is cooked and add broth, thicken.

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