Thursday, July 27, 2023

Slightly Spicy Smoked Pimento Cheese

Genesis 1:27

    [27] So God created man in his own image,

        in the image of God he created him;

        male and female he created them.

An ej original recipe!

3/4 c smoked Cheddar 

3/4 c Colby 

1/2 c sharp White Cheddar 

Freshly shredded cheese is best!!

1/4 c chopped Green onions

1/8 c Mayo up to a 1/4 c

1/8 c Spread cream cheese up to a 1/4 c

Salt and pepper

1 t Sugar

1/8 c diced Roasted red pepper

5 slices diced pickled Jalapeño 

1 t juice of pickled Jalapeño 

Big Pinch Aleppo pepper

Mix well.

The amount of Mayo and cream cheese is according to how moist you would like your Pimento cheese.


Serve on crackers, taco chips, burgers, sandwiches etc!!

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