Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Fresh Tomato Marinara for the Freezer

Psalm 136:23-26

    [23] It is he who remembered us in our low estate,

        for his steadfast love endures forever; 

    [24] and rescued us from our foes,

        for his steadfast love endures forever; 

    [25] he who gives food to all flesh,

        for his steadfast love endures forever.

    [26] Give thanks to the God of heaven,

        for his steadfast love endures forever.


If you are like me, you have an abundance of tomatoes from your garden. 

There is only so much fresh salsa you can make so I decided to make marinara for the freezer.

It's delicious!!


Yield 2 quarts


25 medium size Fresh Garden Tomatoes 

We planted Rutgers so I used those.

You can place them in a large bowl and pour boiling water on them and let them sit 5 minutes and pull the peel off if you prefer. 

I just cored mine and quartered them, skin on.

Put them in blender or food processor and pulsed a few time and added to large pot.

Added oil and veggie to pot, sautéed, then added seasonings.

Add liquids and cook 5 minutes.

Add tomatoes and cheese.

Stir often.

I cooked mine on simmer for 90 minutes and the skins pretty much broke down.

Preserve in freezer.

Add your cooked Meatballs when you heat to serve. 



1 chopped Onion

3 T roasted Garlic 

1/4 c chopped Celery

1/4 c chopped Leeks

1/4 c diced fresh Fennel bulb

1/8 c olive oil for sautéing 


2 T Aleppo pepper flakes 

1/2 t red pepper flakes

2 T dried Rosemary 

2 T dried Thyme 

2 T dried Oregano 

1 t Garlic granules 

1 t Onion powder

3 T chopped fresh basil

1/8 c coarse kosher salt

1/8 c Sugar


1 c Cabernet Sauvignon 

3 T tomato concentrate 

1 t white Balsamic vinegar


1 c Italian 3 cheese 

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