Sunday, March 5, 2023

Instant Pot Sunday Beef Roast with Gravy and Veggies

Psalm 51:1-2

Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet went to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.

    [1] Have mercy on me, O God,

        according to your steadfast love;

    according to your abundant mercy

        blot out my transgressions. 

    [2] Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,

        and cleanse me from my sin!

Based on Amy and Jacky IP recipes!!

3 lb well marbled chuck roast, pull apart into 2 roast, tie and season on both sides with coarse salt and black pepper

Heat IP on sauté until hot, add 2 T olive oil and sear each side for 10 minutes.

Remove to plate.

Add seasoning veggies.

Sauté in Roast drippings.

De-glaze pan with 1 T of gravy ingredients.

Add all of gravy and the roast back in.

Set to pressure and cook 40 minutes.

Do a 15 minute release.

Remove roast and cover with foil.

Add veggie mix to gravy.

Set to pressure, cook 10 minutes.

Remove veggies. 

Using a cornstarch slurry, thicken gravy.

To serve, chunk roast, add veggies and ladle gravy over both.

Serve with crusty bread and a green salad.

Seasoning veggies

1/4 c each Leeks, mushrooms 

1 T roasted garlic

2 T celery

Gravy ingredients 

2 c beef broth ( I made mine from beef base)

1 t each balsamic vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and Soy sauce

1/2 t each rosemary, thyme and bay leaf powder 

Mix well and set aside


2 c Carrot chunks

2 c Potato chunks

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