Monday, March 6, 2023

Fried Chicken Torta

Psalm 53:1-3

There Is None Who Does Good

To the choirmaster: according to Mahalath. A Maskil of David.

    [1] The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

        They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity;

        there is none who does good.

    [2] God looks down from heaven

        on the children of man

    to see if there are any who understand,

        who seek after God.

    [3] They have all fallen away;

        together they have become corrupt;

    there is none who does good,

        not even one.

2 Bolillos, cut in half, inside soft bread  removed so it can be stuffed 

Clarified butter for skillet toasting of Bolillos 

Fried chicken nuggets 

Sliced Onions

Lettuce strips

Havarti Cheese slices

Chipotle Mayo 

Avocado creama

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