Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Pumpkin Cake Donuts

Isaiah 53:6


    All we like sheep have gone astray;

        we have turned—every one—to his own way;

    and the LORD has laid on him

        the iniquity of us all.

2 c AP flour

1-1/2 t baking powder

1/4 t baking soda

1-1/2 t pumpkin pie spice

1/2 t cinnamon 

1/2 t Ginger 

3/4 t kosher salt

Whisk together dry ingredients.

1/2 butter, melted 

1 c brown sugar

2 large eggs

1 c pumpkin purée

2 t vanilla 

Using a mixer beat butter and sugar.

Mix 2 minutes.

Add eggs one at a time.

Add pumpkin and vanilla.

Mix till incorporated.

Using a mixer, add dry ingredients into wet, a little at a time.

Use a doughnut pan if u have one.

I lined a large sheet pan with parchment.

I shaped dough to look like a doughnut.

They will puff and spread so leave space.

I did 6 at a time.

Bake preheated 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Let cool before icing.


1 c confectioners sugar 

1 t Bourbon 

1 t vanilla 

Add milk a little at a time to get a consistency that you can dip doughnut tops.

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