Sunday, October 23, 2022

Bachman's Japanese BBQ Chicken Easy Stir Fry



John 6:63

[63] It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

1 Boneless skinless Chicken breast sliced thin

1/2 c Bachman's BBQ sauce( Costco)

Place in ziplock bag 4 hours or overnight.


2 c sliced then chopped Cabbage

1 small chopped Onions

2 T roasted Garlic

1 t chopped Pickled Ginger  

Toss in 1 t sesame oil

Pinch red pepper flakes

Salt and pepper to taste 

To a large skillet, add 2 T grape seed oil.

Heat to medium.

Add veggies, stir fry until veggies are slightly tender, remove to plate.

Drain chicken on paper towels and pat dry.

Sprinkle 1 t of cornstarch over chicken and toss around to coat.

Using same skillet, heat 2 T of grape seed oil to medium.

Add chicken, cook 1-2 minutes using a spatula to constantly flip.

Check largest piece for doneness. 

Remove to plate.

Rinse and scour pan to remove stickiness. 

Add veggies back, heat 1 minute and add chicken. 

Stir around to insure heating.

Eat and enjoy!!

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