Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Cherry Teriyaki Marinated Steaks

1 Timothy 3:16

[16] Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: 

    He was manifested in the flesh,

        vindicated by the Spirit,

    seen by angels,

    proclaimed among the nations,

        believed on in the world,

    taken up in glory.

4 Filet Mignon, trimmed

1 hr Marinade

1/4 c light Soy

1/4 c maraschino cherry juice 

2 T Honey

1/2 of a Lime juiced

2 t Olive oil

1 T Roasted garlic

2 T Fresh parsley 

1 /2 t Dried oregano

1/2 t Black pepper

1/4 t salt 

Mix marinade, add steaks.

Marinate for 1 hr.

Dry off, sear to medium in lightly oiled skillet.

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