Friday, December 21, 2018

Georgia Pecan Pie Trifle

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. - 1 Corinthians 3:7


(1) store bought large pecan pie, cut into 1 inch squares, I used Edwards frozen Georgia pecan pie, leave slightly frozen for easy cutting 


1 block full fat Cream cheese, room temp, mine set out 1 hour
1/2 c powdered sugar 
1&1/2 c heavy Cream 
1&1/2 t vanilla

Place these ingredients in a heavy duty mixer.
Use wire attachments and whip until smooth, about 15 minutes.
Set aside.


Prepare these and set aside.
1/2 c toasted pecans, I used spicy honey Pecans
3/4 c dark chocolate, chopped, I used Ghirardelli 

Layer in trifle bowl starting with pie pieces, then half of the cream cheese mixture and top with half of toppings.
Next layer pie pieces, cream cheese and finish with toppings.

Inspiration from:

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