Saturday, December 1, 2018

Chicken Piccata

Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? - Jeremiah 23:29

2 Chicken breast, slice into half and pound thin, squirt a little lemon juice over pieces. 
Dredge in Italian Bread crumbs.
Light Salt, pepper and Smoked paprika each piece. 
Heat 1/4 c of Olive Oil and clarified butter mixture  for sautéing.
Remove chicken to plate.
Use same skillet to make sauce.

1/4 c Sauvignon Blanc
2 T Lemon juice
1/8 c Heavy Cream 
1/4 c chicken stock
1/8 c Parmesan
1 t sugar
2 T Limoncello 
1 t rinsed capers

Place wine in skillet and heat.
Add stock, juice, cream, sugar, capers, Limoncello and cheese.
Reduce a little and add chicken back in.
After it's all heated add pasta.

2 c Cooked pasta, Angel Hair, set aside

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