Sunday, May 20, 2018

Mini Penne Meatball Florentine

Psalm 112
6  For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever.
7  He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.

1-1/2 c mini Penne cooked 7 minutes resulted in an al dente pasta

8 Meatballs, I make my own and freeze, recipe this blog under the Italian tab, E J 'S Real Easy Scratch Spaghetti and Meatballs
Drizzle of clarified butter and olive oil
1 c frozen chopped Spinach
1 c Artichoke hearts, I love Trader Joe's frozen
1/4 c Leeks
1/2 c Mushrooms
Salt and pepper to taste
2 T Fresh herbs mix, sweet basil, oregano, thyme 

1 c half and half
3 T butter, melted
1/2 lemon, juiced, include pulp
1/4 c Sauvignon Blanc
1/2 c Italian Three cheese blend, Trader Joe's
3 T Boursin, Shallot and Chive
1 c Pasta water

Sauté smashed up meat balls in clarified butter and oil.
Set aside in a plate, leave drippings.
Sauté spinach, leeks, mushrooms and artichoke hearts in left over drippings from meat sauté. 
Add herbs, salt and pepper.
Set aside in a plate.
Using the same skillet, melt butter, add wine then half and half.
Reduce just a little then add Boursin and cheese blend.
After these melt, add cooked pasta.
Put burner on simmer.
Then add pasta water a little at a time to help thicken sauce so it will stick to pasta.
Serve with garlic bread, chopped tomatoes and cucumbers.

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