Monday, March 26, 2018

German Style Apple Pancake

21 And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."
22 In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong. - Job 1:21-22

2 Medium Granny Smith apples, peeled and sliced (16-20 slices each) I used Honey Crisp cause that's what I had
3 t butter (salted)
1 t juice of lemon
½ c light brown sugar
¾ t ground cinnamon
3 eggs
⅓ c whole milk
⅓ c heavy cream
2 t granulated sugar
¼ t salt
¼ t vanilla
1 t baking powder
½ c all-purpose flour

Peel, quarter and core apples. Slice quarters into thin slices to completely cover skillet bottom.

Melt, on low heat, 3 tablespoons butter in a 9- or 10-inch oven safe skillet. I used a 10 inch cast iron skillet. Add brown sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, and the sliced apples. Sauté for 7-9 minutes, stirring often. This makes caramel and it will easily burn. Turn off, remove from heat and let the pan sit for one hour allowing the apples to become a glaze.

Preheat oven to 475°F
Bake on middle rack.

Beat eggs with an electric mixer. Add milk, cream, sugar, salt, and vanilla. Mix until sugar is dissolved. Sift in flour, baking powder and mix until smooth. Let the batter rest for about 10 minutes. 

After the apples have cooled for an hour, pour batter over the apples and place into the oven for 16 to 18 minutes or until the top begins to brown. Remove it from the oven; cool for one minute. Loosen pancake with spatula.

Invert the pan over the plate so that the pancake comes out upside down on the plate. 

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