Saturday, December 16, 2017

Lemon Lime Baked Steelhead Trout

When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.  - Psalm 94:19

Interesting bit!
Steelhead is a freshwater rainbow trout that took up residence in the ocean.
The meat looks like salmon, taste like it too but is a lot more pink.
They are kin but are different, one being a trout and the other being a salmon.

1 2lb. Steelhead trout, skin on bottom
1 lime, 1/2 juiced and zest and the other half sliced thin
1 lemon, 1/2 juiced and zest and the other half sliced thin
Olive oil
Clarified butter
Smoked salt 
Cracked black pepper
Garlic granules 

Bake preheated 425 degree oven for 14 minutes.

Place parchment in a pan. 
Place trout skin size down.
Drizzle oil over steaks.
Zest the 1/2 lime and lemon over steaks.
Squeeze juice of the lime lemon over steaks.
Sprinkle smoked salt, pepper, garlic and dill over steaks.
Add the 1/2 t clarified butter to the top of each trout steak.
Add thin sliced lime and lemon to each top.
Bake as directed.

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