Thursday, November 30, 2017

Baked Salmon With Citrus Dijon Limoncello Sauce

12 I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. 
13 Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? 
14 You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples.  - Psalm 77:12-14

1 3/4 lb. Atlantic Farm Raised Salmon cut into fillets
Clarified butter/olive oil mix

Drizzling mix

Smoked salt and cracked black pepper, to taste 
Dill sprinkle on each filet
Lime zest on each filet
Lime juice on each filet 
Garlic granules sprinkled on each filet

Citrus Dijon Limoncello Sauce

1/8 c heavy Cream
2 T Butter
1/8 c Limoncello 
1 t Fresh Ginger, diced and mashed
1 Shallots, diced
1/2 t Lime zest 
1/2 t Lime juice
1/2 t Dijon 
1 t roasted Garlic
Smoked salt and cracked black pepper to taste
Pinch Red pepper flakes
1/2 t Capers and juice
Thin slices of lime

Make sauce over medium heat and reduce.
Set aside.

Line pan with parchment paper.
If fillets have skin, place skin side down.
My fillets were skinless.
Drizzle oil and clarified butter over fillets.
Sprinkle dry drizzling mix over fillets.
Add lime slices on top.
Bake 425 degrees in a preheated oven on bottom rack for 14 minutes.
Do not over bake!
Serve over jasmine rice.

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