Thursday, September 21, 2017

Bacon Mascarpone Carbonara

7 I will tell of the decree: The LORD said to me, "You are my Son; today I have begotten you. 
8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.  - Psalm 2:7-8

4 slices of Bacon, diced, reserve 1 T of grease
1/2 t clarified butter
2 T roasted Garlic
1 Green onion
2 eggs
1 t mascarpone 
1 c Trader Joe's blend of Parmesan Toscano Unexpected Cheddar
1 T Parsley
Salt and pepper to taste 
2 c cooked Angel Hair Pasta

Fry the bacon in the butter.
When it's almost done, add the onion and garlic.
Drain off some of the grease but leave at least  1 T.
Whip the eggs, cheese, parsley, and Mascarpone together and set aside.
Boil water and cook angel hair.
Drain water and reserve some of the liquid.
Place hot pasta in a large bowl, with a fork twirl in cheese egg mixture.
Toss in bacon and grease.
Serve with garlic bread.

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